RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Liveaboard » Over 5 Consecutive Days

Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation, wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night. Like the Day Skipper course, this course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and emergency situations.
Coastal Skippers should be able to undertake more difficult passages by day and night and handle the yacht in more demanding conditions.
By the end of the course you should have the knowledge, to skipper a yacht day or night when coastal sailing.
Course Pre-requisites: 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8 night hours, Yachtmaster Theory certificate.
Minimum Duration: 5 days Live-aboard
Timings: 10am on day 1 till 6pm
An example itinerary for your is shown below, (it may change due to weather forecasts). Please note that you will be staying onboard overnight away from DOSC on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4.
Day 1 Meet at DOSC at 0930. Prep the boat and sail to Jebal Ali. Stay onboard overnight.
Day 2 Sail to Port Rashid. Stay onboard overnight.
Day 3 Sail to DOSC. Option to go home or stay onboard overnight.
Day 4 - Sail to Palm west/world islands. Stay onboard overnight.
Day 5 Sail to DOSC. Course debrief and certification.
Minimum Age: 18
Course Content: Passage planning, Preparation for sea, Pilotage, Passage making and ability as skipper, Yacht handling under power, Yacht handling under sail, Adverse weather conditions, Emergency situations
Last updated 5:03pm on 10 February 2025