RYA Dayskipper Practical live-aboard over 2 weekends » Second Weekend
This event is part of the RYA Dayskipper Practical live-aboard over 2 weekends group.
Click here to book
A course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills.
Learn to skipper a short passage with the instructor on hand to give advice and encouragement and ensure your safety. Experience being in charge, taking credit when it all goes well, and being responsible when it doesn't.
Before this course, if you are not sure that your sailing is up to speed, a good way to learn is on an RYA Level 2 dinghy course. This will teach you to sail around a course and control the boat's speed.
Course Pre-requisites: 5 days, 100 miles, 4 night hours on board a sailing yacht, RYA Competent Crew certificate & RYA Dayskipper Theory course - Please note you will not be allowed to participate in this course without meeting the course prerequisites
Minimum Duration: 5 days
Timings: 10am till 6pm, course itinerary will be discussed on the 1st day of the course. You will sleep onboard the second night of the second weekend.
Maximum students per course: 5
Minimum Age: 16
Course Content: Preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualling, emergency situations, yacht handling under power, yacht handling under sail, passage making, night cruising
Please take note: prices for courses over 2 weekends are different than courses over 5 consecutive days.
Kindly send me an email if spaces are already booked on the website, to add you to the waiting list or if you are having problems with making payment. sailingadmin@doscuae.com
Last updated 1:21pm on 18 February 2025