RYA VHF (SRC) Classroom Evening Course » RYA VHF (SRC) Classroom Evening Course

The SRC / VHF evening course is a two day shore based course followed by another one day of assessment which takes between 30min and 1 hour. Participating on our VHF course requires some pre-course self studying. Once you book your place on the course VHF RADIO Course Handbook ( including GMDSS ) G31 can be collected here in the club to read. This pre course reading ( approx 3 hours ) is vital as there is limited time during the night to teach the essential theory to enable you to understand the practical aspects of the course. The classroom SRC/VHF radio evening course starts at 17.30 and will end at approximately 21.30 both days and the assessment date & timings to be confirmed. At the end of the course you will receive a RYA SRC Certificate of classroom course completion which allows you to participate on the assessment. The assessment will take about 1 hour during which you will be tested on theory and practical use of DSC radios.
Pre-Course Experience: None
Assumed Knowledge: Pre course reading of the VHF Radio ( including GMDSS ) Course Handbook ( G31 ) ( approx. 3 hours
Pre requisites in order to participate on the exams: RYA SRC Certificate of classroom course completion
Duration: 1st day - 16th December ( 17.30 -21.30 ) / 2nd day - 17th December ( 17.30 -21.30 )
Assessment: Assessment day and timing TBC
Minimum recommended Age: 16 y.o (*under 16s may attend the course but cannot issued with a license)
Course Syllabus
- Distress Situations
- Urgent Situations
- Safety Situations
- Routine Communication
After the Course Experience: Authority to operate a short range marine VHF radio with DSC ( Digital Selective Calling ) on a vessel
License Granted ( upon successful completion ): GMDSS SHORT RANGE Marine Radio Operator certificate of competence
Last updated 7:06am on 12 February 2025