RYA Weekly Stage 2 » RYA Weekly Stage 2

Children will learn to sail upwind, control their speed, learn parts of the sail, rope work and basic rules of the road.
This course will take place as 11 x 2hr sessions (Tuesday).
Course Prerequisites: RYA Stage 1 certificate
Timings: 4.00pm till 6.00pm Every Tuesday
Term Dates: 12th Sep, 19th Sep, 26th Sep, 3rd Oct, 10th Oct, 24th Oct, 31st Oct, 7th Nov, 14th Nov, 21st Nov, 5th Dec (11 Weeks)
Minimum Age: 7
Ability after course: Children should be able to tack and control boat speed, as well as understand the principals of sailing
Priority to booking courses goes to members first. Kindly send me an email if spaces are already booked on the website or if you are having trouble to make payment on the website. sailingadmin@doscuae.com
Please Note:
*There is NO afterschool classes during half term break - 16th - 20th October 2023 & National Day Week 27th Nov to 1st Dec 2023
*All boats need to be off the water at sunset
Last updated 9:00pm on 3 February 2025